Spoon Carving (One Day)
Learn age-old axe and knife techniques
to safely carve green wood spoons.
I usually teach just seven people
on any one day.
Cost per person £85
One 2 One sessions can be
arranged at £150 a day.

On a one day course we will cover the following:
- Choice of wood. The different qualities of the main varieties of common British hardwoods.
- Tools. We will use three tools; axe, knife and 'hook' or spoon knife. The focus will be on how to use these tools safely and effeciently. All tools and wood will be provided on the day and I will give advice on where to buy tools and source materials.
- Axe strokes. Basic techniques to shape wood and remove waste material.
- Knife grips. Various techniques from 'power strokes', wasting lots of wood quickly, to very controlled 'smoothing strokes', taking fine shavings.
- Good spoon design. By paying close attention to detail we will consider what makes a good spoon strong and comfortable enough to function well.
- The process. From cleaving a small log, to rough shaping with the axe and finishing with carving knife/spoon knife.
- Sharpening. How to grind and hone the tools to keep them razor sharp using cheap, easily available means.
By the end of the day you will have your own handcrafted spoon to take away, confident in your ability to develop the skills further at home.
NB; Deposits for workshops are non-refundable.
Reviews on craft courses .com

Please contact me if you
would like to arrange a date  which works better for you.
Get in touch to book
Or purchase a gift voucher from my shop*.
To book, email me for details.
*Shop currently being updated please email me.
If these dates don't suit you, get in touch.